Puppet in DevOps
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Puppet - Architecture
Puppet is a configuration management tool developed by Puppet Labs in order to automate infrastructure management and configuration. Puppet is a very powerful tool which helps in the concept of Infrastructure as code. This tool is written in Ruby DSL language that helps in converting a complete infrastructure in code format, which can be easily managed and configured.
Puppet follows client-server model, where one machine in any cluster acts as client known as puppet master and the other acts as server known as slave on nodes. Puppet has the capability to manage any system from scratch, starting from initial configuration till endof-life of any particular machine.
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- Gani work as an DevOps Consultant & Instructor, He has over 11 years of Implementation experience and recognized expert in Linux, AWS, Azure, DevOps, OpenStack
- Gani is a professional agile coach and Certified Scrum Developer (CSD) trainer.
- He is having 11 years of experience in software development and have worked with many organizations and on multiple technology stacks including .Net/C#, Java, Ruby, Python and JavaScript etc. Gani is Certified LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) Practitioner and have helped organizations is agile adoption. He is one of the early adopter of DevOps practices and teaches DevOps culture, practices and tools to development team and operation team.
Features of Puppet System
Following are the most important features of Puppet.
Puppet supports Idempotency which makes it unique. Similar to Chef, in Puppet, one can safely run the same set of configuration multiple times on the same machine. In this flow, Puppet checks for the current status of the target machine and will only make changes when there is any specific change in the configuration.
Idempotency helps in managing any particular machine throughout its lifecycle starting from the creation of machine, configurational changes in the machine, till the end-of-life. Puppet Idempotency feature is very helpful in keeping the machine updated for years rather than rebuilding the same machine multiple times, when there is any configurational change.
In Puppet, with the help of Resource Abstraction Layer (RAL) which uses Puppet resources, one can target the specified configuration of system without worrying about the implementation details and how the configuration command will work inside the system, which are defined in the underlying configuration file.
Puppet - workflow
Puppet uses the following workflow to apply configuration on the system.
- In Puppet, the first thing what the Puppet master does is to collect the details of the target machine. Using the factor which is present on all Puppet nodes (similar to Ohai in Chef) it gets all the machine level configuration details. These details are collected and sent back to the Puppet master.
- Then the puppet master compares the retrieved configuration with defined configuration details, and with the defined configuration it creates a catalog and sends it to the targeted Puppet agents.
- The Puppet agent then applies those configurations to get the system into a desired state.
- Finally, once one has the target node in a desired state, it sends a report back to the Puppet master, which helps the Puppet master in understanding where the current state of the system is, as defined in the catalog.
Puppet - Key Components
Following are the key components of Puppet.
Puppet Resources
Puppet resources are the key components for modeling any particular machine. These resources have their own implementation model. Puppet uses the same model to get any particular resource in the desired state.
Providers are basically fulfillers of any particular resource used in Puppet. For example, the package type ‘apt-get’ and ‘yum’ both are valid for package management. Sometimes, more than one provider would be available on a particular platform. Though each platform always have a default provider.
Manifest is a collection of resources which are coupled inside the function or classes to configure any target system. They contain a set of Ruby code in order to configure a system.