Job Readiness Program

(*) - Sign-in required
Session 1 - JRP Detailed and Domain Discussed (no access required)

Session 2 - Agile, Backlog Grooming, Rel. Planning, Sprint Planning, Scrum (*)

Session 2.1 - Agile, Backlog Grooming, Rel. Planning, Sprint Planning, Scrum (Contd)(*)

Session 3 - Application Architecture, Infra Architecture(*)

Session 3.2 - Member Portal Infrastructure Automation Terraform(*)

Session 3.3 - Infrastructure Automation Terraform Best practices(*)

Session 3.4 - Infrastructure Automation Terraform Best practices - Part 2(*)

Session 4 - Branching Strategy, Policy and Security(*)

Session 4.1 - Move code to Source repository(*)

Session 5 - Build Terraform Pipeline(*)

Session 6 - Project 1 - Build CICD Pipeline and Deploy to Kubernetes(*)

Session 7 - Project 2 - Build and Deploy to Azure App Services(*)

Session 8 - HW 2 - Deploy Prometheus and Grafana(*)

Session 9 - HW 3 - Helm Charts(*)

Session 10 - HW 4 - Istio deployment(*)

Session 11 - Project 3 - GKE with Helm charts(*)

Session 12 - Project 4 - Azure Infra, Deployment, Monitoring