AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
AWS Certification Exam preparation solutions ensure that you’ve gained sufficient knowledge and practice to pass The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam in 1st Attempt. We’ve trained over 5000+ professionals since last 3 years and thus we are so confident that we offer Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee!
Take this course and Become an Amazon Web Services - AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate soon, and become ready for the Technical Job Interview and the upcoming AWS JOB role duties.
AWS Certification Training Description
If you are serious about becoming Amazon Web Services - AWS - Certified Solutions Architect Associate, and are looking for a one-stop-shop learning through a Complete Exam Preparation Guide, Then this course is for you.
Designed to complement Architecting on AWS, this half-day workshop is intended for individuals who are preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam. In this workshop, we review what to expect at the testing center and while taking the exam. We walk you through how the exam is structured, including question formats, content domains, and the breakdown of questions across those domains. We also teach you how to interpret the concepts being tested by a question so that you can better eliminate incorrect responses. During the workshop, you will have the chance to apply knowledge and test concepts through a series of practice exam questions.
Course Objectives
This workshop is designed to teach you how to:
- Navigate the logistics of the examination process
- Understand the exam structure and question types
- Identify how questions are written to test AWS architectural concepts
- Interpret the concepts being tested by an exam question
- Allocate your time in studying for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam
Intended Audience
This workshop is intended for:
Individuals who are preparing to take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam
We recommend that attendees of this workshop have the following prerequisites:
Attended the Architecting on AWS course (or have equivalent knowledge)
One or more years of hands-on experience designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS
Delivery Method
This workshop will be delivered through a mix of instructor-led presentation, group discussion, and sample question exercises.
4 hours
Course Outline
- Testing Center Information and Expectations
- Exam Overview and Structure
- Content Domains and Question Breakdown
- Topics and Concepts with Content Domains
- Question Structure and Interpretation Techniques
- Practice Exam Questions
"I want to thank you for your incredible efforts and sharing your vast knowledge. I am feeling lucky to have attended your great batch. You are awesome Karthik, I am not sure when i will be able to attain 50% of your knowledge but i got a lot inspired by you. I will keep in touch and will always try to learn from you as much as I can. Thanks once again Karthik"

""Dear Karthik, AWS training has been outstanding. You have covered every aspect of the AWS which would boost the confidence of the attendee to dive into greater depths and face the interviews subsequently. I feel confident after attending the AWS course. I am sure you would be providing us your valuable high level guidence in our initial realtime project . Each of your session is a eye opener and it is a great joy to attend your AWS training. Thanks and Kindest Regards ""

"I thought I knew AWS until I took this course. My company sent me here against my will. It was definitely worth and I found out how many things I was doing wrong. Karthik is awesome. but i got a lot inspired by you. I will keep in touch and will always try to learn from you as much as I can. Thanks once again Karthik"

"""I think this is the best AWS course I have taken so far..Well I am still in the process of learning new things but for me this learning process has become so easy only after I joined this Sajin is very organized and up to the point.. he knows what he is teaching and makes his point very clear by explaining numerous times. I would definitely recommend anyone who has any passion for Cloud.." ""