"Masters of Language Training and IT Career Solutions"

Learn the French Language with Certification.

Join us for our Online French Language Learning Programme with Greens Technologies. This French language training class is completely hands-on with live use cases. Earning French language certifications will give you a competitive advantage in your career.

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About French Course

Globally Recognized French Language Online Course with Virtual Classroom, Live Sessions & Certified Trainers

Greens Technology offers comprehensive online French language classes through video tutorials. Our training in Chennai will help you speak like the 100 million native French speakers. By taking our classes, you will become proficient in the official language of 32 countries. You'll also gain the ability to converse in the official and working languages of the UN, NATO, EU, IOC, IRC, and International Courts.

One to One Training

Get 1-to-1 Online Live Instructor-Led Training

Fee at: INR 15,000

Online Classroom

Attend our Instructor Led Online Virtual Classroom

Fee at: INR 10,000
Course Details

Your Guide to Mastering French

Course Overview

Unlocking French Fluency: Your Path to Language Confidence!

At the Greens Technology Institute, our French course immerses students in the language and culture of Francophone countries while incorporating the latest advancements in Greens technology. This unique approach not only develops practical language skills but also builds awareness of sustainable practices and innovations. Students will engage in conversations, reading, and writing exercises, all set within a context that emphasizes environmental stewardship and global responsibility. Designed for learners at all levels, this course provides a pathway to fluency while deepening an understanding of French-speaking countries’ contributions to sustainability.

Chapter 1 : Explorer La Langue!

In this Chapter, participants will get to know about the language right from the basics.
  • Getting to know about the language
  • Alphabet / Pronounciation
  • Numbers

Chapter 2: Les Verbes!

This Chapter will help the candidate to conjugate the verbs and make simple sentences.
  • Introduction to Verbs
  • Verb Group Conjugations

Chapter 3: La Communication

This Chapter will have the student to get through the basics of basic french communication skills.
  • Greetings
  • Days of the week
  • Months of the Year
  • Colours

Chapter 4: Construire des phrases

This Chapter will help the candidate with solid sentence-building skills.
  • Positive and Negative Phrases
  • Adjectives
  • Interrogatives + Possessive + Demonstrative

Chapter 5: Talents d'orateur

This Chapter will help students to enhance their question-making skills.
  • Question-Making Skills

Chapter 6: Amélioration des capacités d'écoute et d'écriture

In this Chapter, students will learn how to write an Invitation.
  • Writing an Invitation

Chapter 7: Base pour Chapter de lecture

In this Chapter, reading will help students to get to know new vocabulary words.
  • Introduction to new vocabulary

Chapter 8: Les Temps

This chapter aims to help students develop strong grammar skills, focusing on tenses. In this chapter, students will improve their understanding of basic tenses needed to discuss past events, as well as tenses essential for talking about near future events.
  • Present Tense
  • Past Tense
  • Future Tense

Chapter 9: La Comparaison

  • Making comparisons between tenses!
  • Making comparisons between tenses!

Chapter 10: Vocabulaire

This Chapter will help students in building a strong vocabulary which will help them in making strong sentences not only in terms of simple phrases but it also help in making dialogues.
  • Family Members / Money / Animals / Shops

Chapter 11: Degré de comparaison

This is one of the simplest Chapters yet helpful and important while making comparisons.
  • Comparisions with Adjectives / Verbs / Nouns

Chapter 12: Présentez - vous

Lastly, this Chapter will help students in introducing themselves with the help of topics learned in the previous units.
  • Introduce

Chapter 1: S'améliorer avec les verbes

This Chapter will guide students with new verbs which will help students to get better sentences.
  • Verbs (Revision)

Chapter 2: Construire une phrase avec les temps

  • This is one of the most important Chapters to enhance the statements with the help of tenses. Imparfait (Revision)
  • This is one of the most important Chapters to enhance the statements using the past tense. Passé Composé (Revision)
  • This is one of the most important Chapters to enhance the statements with the help of a command tense.
  • Impératif
  • This is one of the most important Chapters to enhance the statements with the help of the near future tense.
  • Futur Proche

Chapter 3: Pronoms

This chapter will help participants create sentences without repetition.
  • Complete Direct Object ( COD )
  • Complete Indirect Object ( COI )

Chapter 4: Discours Rapporté

This Chapter will build speaking skills.
  • Direct Speech
  • Indirect Speech

Chapter 5: La Voix Passive - Active

In this Chapter, students will learn about Active-Passive.
  • Active voice
  • Passive voice

Chapter 6: Pronoms

This Chapter will guide students with the french pronouns.
  • Demonstrative Pronouns
  • Possessive Pronouns
  • Interrogative Pronouns

Chapter 7: Les Temps

This Chapter will make students learn about future tense.
  • Futur Simple!

Chapter 8: Vocabulaire Générale

This Chapter will build basic vocabulary skills among the student which would ensure better sentence building.
  • General Vocabulary (Revision)

Chapter 9: Délai et utilisation des connecteurs

This Chapter will help students in adding connectors and adding time frames within the sentences.
  • Connectors

Chapter 10: Développer des compétences en communication

This Chapter will build strong communication skills among the students.
  • Dialogue - Making Skills + Monologue.

Chapter 1: Temps

In this Chapter, students will learn the difference between future tenses.
  • Futur Proche
  • Futur Simple

Chapter 2: Apprentissage avancé

This Chapter will help students in enhancing their grammatical skills.
  • La Causé et La Conséquence

Chapter 3: Discours Rapporté

This Chapter will make students ensure about the difference between Present and Past reported speech.
  • Direct Speech in Present
  • Indirect Speech in Present

Chapter 4: Temps majeurs

In this Chapter, students will learn the difference between the advice tense and tense which is used to describe memories.
  • Impératif + Imparfait

Chapter 5: Partage d'expérience passées

In this Chapter, students will learn the difference between the past tenses.
  • Passé Récent + Passé Composé

Chapter 6: La rédaction de lettres

This Chapter will make students learn how to write a letter in formal and informal language.
  • Letter of Reclamation
  • Letter to administration

Chapter 7: Exprimer le souhait

This Chapter will make students learn how to express wishes using tense in present and past.
  • Subjonctif Présent

Chapter 8: Amélioration des compétences en vocabulaire

In this Chapter, students will learn and work on the enhancement of their vocabulary skills.
  • Internet

Chapter 9: En savoir plus sur les temps

This Chapter will work more on the enhancement of other tenses.
  • Conditionnel Présent + Passé

Chapter 10: Améliorer les compétences orales

In this Chapter, participants will improve their speaking skills and will learn how to give their opinion.
  • Participating in a debate

Chapter 11: Ajoutet de nouvelles compétences de vocabulaire

In this Chapter, students will learn and some new vocabulary skills.
  • Environment

Chapter 12: Amélioration du Chapter d'écoute

This Chapter will work on students listening ability to work better with the language.
  • Dictation

Chapter 13: En savoir plus sur l'écriture

This Chapter will help students to improve their writing skills.
  • Formal + Informal Writing

Chapter 14: Compétences en communication

In this Chapter, students will get better at communication skills.
  • Dialogue - Making Skills

Chapter 1: Les Temps

In this Chapter, students will learn the basic difference between some important tenses.
  • Plus - Que - Parfait

Chapter 2: Grammaire

In this Chapter, students will learn about connectors.
  • Conjunctions

Chapter 3: La Communication

In this Chapter, students will enhance their communication skills by adding new vocabulary in their speaking skills.
  • Talk about Health

Chapter 4: Exprimer un Souhait / des Désirs

This Chapter will make students learn how to express their wishes, desires, and wants.
  • Subjonctif Présent

Chapter 5: Parler des Raisons

In this Chapter, students will learn how to talk about the positive and negative impacts.
  • La Cause et Conséquence

Chapter 6: Expressions

This Chapter will improvise students language.
  • Dialogue - Making

Chapter 7: Voix

In this Chapter, students will learn about Active Voice and Passive Voice.
  • Active Voice
  • Passive Voice
In this Chapter, students will learn about Opposition and Concession.
  • L' Opposition et La Concession.

Chapter 8: Entretien

This Chapter will teach Chapter how to prepare for the professional world as it polishes students all the skills
  • Preparing for a professional interview

Chapter 9: Le Futur

In this Chapter, students will learn the basic difference between all the future tenses
  • Futur Proche
  • Futur Simple
  • Futur Antérieur

Chapter 10: Exprimer

These students will make students learn about different expressions.
  • La Regret et La Reproche.

Chapter 11: Les Comparatifs

This Chapter will make students learn how to make comparisons!
  • Les Comparatifs.

Chapter 12: Discours Rapporté

This Chapter will students to explore Direct - Indirect Speech.
  • Discours Rapporté Présent et Passé.

Chapter 13: Les Paroles

This Chapter will polish the overall skills of the students.
  • Expose

Chapter 1: Tout sur les temps!

In this Chapter, students will learn how to give commands!
  • Imperatif !

Chapter 2: Verbes et Prepositions !

Participants will about the advanced usage of verbs and prepositions!

Chapter 3: Grammaire !

The student will learn about prefixes and suffixes in this chapter.
  • Prefixes
  • Suffixes.
  • Frequently used Prefixes and Suffixes.

Chapter 4: Plus de Grammaire

In this chapter, one will learn about synonyms and antonyms.
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Usage of Synonyms and Antonyms.

Chapter 5: Temps!

Students will learn about Past Tense and its usage in dialogues.
  • Passe Compose
In this Chapter, students will learn to talk about actions they would do.
  • Imparfait.
In this Chapter, students will learn to talk about actions they had already done.
  • Plus-Que-Parfait!.
In this Chapter, students will learn to talk about actions they are going to do in the near future.
  • Futur Proche
In this Chapter, students will learn to talk about actions they " Will " do in the future.
  • Futur Simple
In this Chapter, students will learn the difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple.
  • Difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple!
This Chapter is about tense, which will enhance the student's language ability.
  • Futur Interieur!

Chapter 6: Les comparaison entre les temps!

In this Chapter, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.
  • Passe Compose
  • Imparfait
  • Plus-Que-Parfait!
  • Futur Proche
  • Futur Simple
  • Futur Anterieur!

Chapter 7: Les Comparatifs!

This Chapter will teach students to work on Conditional Tense.
  • Conditional Present
  • Conditionnel Passe!
  • Exercises on Conditionnel Tense !

Chapter 8: Pronoms!

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.
  • COD
  • COI
  • EN
  • Y
  • Exercises!

Chapter 9: Les Pronoms Relatif!

In this Chapter, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.
  • Qui
  • Que
  • Ce qui
  • Ce que
  • Ou
  • Dont et But

Chapter 10: Discours!

In this Chapter, students will get to know about Direct - Indirect Speech.
  • Direct Speech.
  • InDirect Speech.
In this Chapter, students will get to know about Active - Passive voice.
  • Active Voice.
  • Passive Voice.

Chapter 11: Les Dialogues et Debate!

Students will work on their Dialogue and debate-making ability using advanced language skills.
  • Dialogue - Making.
  • Debate.

Module 1: Tout sur les temps!

In this module, students will learn how to give commands!
  • Imperatif!

Module 2: Verbes et Prepositions!

Participants will about the advanced usage of verbs and prepositions!
  • Verbs!

Module 3: Grammaire!

In this module, students will learn about prefixes and suffixes.
  • Prefixes
  • Suffixes.
Students will learn about frequently used Prefixes and Suffixes in this module.
  • Frequently used Prefixes and Suffixes.

Module 4: Plus de Grammaire

In this module, one will learn about synonyms and antonyms in this module.
  • Synonyms.
  • Antonyms.
In this module, one will learn about the usage of synonyms and antonyms in this module.
  • Usage of Synonyms and Antonyms.

Module 5: Temps!

Students will learn about Past Tense and its usage in dialogues.
  • Passe Compose.
In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they would do.
  • Imparfait.
In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they had already done.
  • Plus-Que-Parfait!
In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they are going to do in the near future.
  • Futur Proche.
In this module, students will learn to talk about actions they " Will " do in the future.
  • Futur Simple.
In this module, students will learn the difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple.
  • Difference between Futur Proche and Futur Simple!.
This module is about tense, which will enhance the student's language ability.
  • Futur Anterieur!

Module 6: Les comparaison entre les temps!

In this module, students will learn the difference between all the major tenses.
  • Passe Compose
  • Imparfait
  • Plus-Que-Parfait !
  • Futur Proche.
  • Futur Simple.
  • Futur Anterieur !

Module 7: Les Comparatifs !

This module will teach students to work on Conditionnel Tense.
  • Conditionnel Present!
  • Conditionnel Passe !
  • Exercises on Conditionnel Tense !

Module 8: Pronoms!

Students will get knowledge about the pronouns used in the french language.
  • COD
  • COI
  • EN
  • v
  • Exercises !

Module 9: Les Pronoms Relatif!

In this module, students will learn how to make sentences with Relative Pronouns.
  • Qui
  • Que
  • Ce qui
  • Ce que
  • Ou
  • Dont et But

Module 10: Discours!

In this module, students will get to know about Direct - Indirect Speech.
  • Direct Speech.
  • Indirect Speech.
In this module, students will get to know about Active and Passive.
  • Active voice.
  • Passive voice.

Module 11: Les Dialogues et Debate!

Students will work on their Dialogue and debate-making ability using advanced language skills.
  • Dialogue - Making.
  • Debate.
Our Instructors

Guides of Greatness

At Greens Technology Institute, our French course trainers bring language to life, making it accessible, engaging, and relevant to today’s globalized, eco-conscious world. With a blend of immersive techniques and practical exercises, our expert instructors prioritize real-world language skills that meet the needs of diverse learners.

Whether you're a beginner or advancing your French fluency, our trainers tailor the curriculum to fit each learner's pace and goals. Their extensive cultural knowledge and dedication to teaching excellence ensure that students are not only learning a language but also gaining insights into French culture, which aligns perfectly with the sustainable vision of Greens Technology Institute.

Flexible Timings / Weekend classes Available.

Why Choose Us

A unique opportunity for learning, networking, and professional growth.

In a world where communication is crucial for success, mastering a new language through online learning opens doors to endless opportunities.

The Greens Technology stands out as a premier destination for language learning due to its innovative approach, expert instructors, customized learning plans, diverse language options, and supportive learning environment. If you're ready to embark on a journey of linguistic discovery, join us at The Greens Technology and unlock the doors to a world of possibilities through language proficiency.

Certification Exams

Benchmark Your Career: Get Certified

Greens Technology International Exams. DELF Exams (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) * DALF Exams (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française) for level C1 and C2 (Advanced Levels)

Expert Facility

Your Guide to Mastering French

Sarab Kaur Ghai

Certifed in French A2-C1, DELF B2

Akshaya Rajendran

Certifed in French A2-C1, DELF B2

Bria Poddar

Certifed in Cambridge, DELF

Our Value to Help You

At the Green Technology Institute, we are committed to pioneering sustainable solutions that positively impact our planet. Our values are rooted in environmental responsibility, innovation, and community. We believe in the power of green technology to drive a cleaner, more sustainable future. By fostering research, collaboration, and education, we aim to empower individuals and industries to adopt eco-friendly practices and reduce their carbon footprint. Integrity, excellence, and inclusivity guide us as we work to inspire a greener tomorrow for all.

Learn with Experts

Learning goes beyond textbooks. Gain real-world insights from industry experts, leading you towards a sustainable future. Empower yourself with knowledge from the best in green innovation!

Learn Anything

We empower minds to learn anything and everything with ease. From foundational skills to advanced expertise, our programs are designed for everyone. Discover, grow, and succeed with knowledge that builds a greener future.